How to Receive Eternal Salvation Right Now

Eternal Salvation is received by believing in Jesus the Christ as your personal Savior. Jesus is the God-man. He is true God and true man. He is God incarnated as a human being. He is the God-appointed atoning sacrifice for the sins of all mankind on the cross: He died and was resurrected on the third day. He or she who believes in Him will be saved forever from sin, death, and Hell–which is God’s justice, from that moment forward: John 6:47, John 3:16, 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. Salvation is ~not~ received because of your good works, and it is ~not~ received because you avoid sin or repent from sin. Salvation is ~not~ received by being a good person or by lifetime discipleship until death. Salvation is ~not~ received by water baptism or by repenting from your sins. When a person believes in Jesus as Savior, he has thereby repented of his unbelief. When a person believes in Jesus, he or she is, in that moment, immediately baptized by the Holy Spirit into the death and resurrection of Christ. Salvation is purely a gift of grace given from God to anyone who will believe on Jesus as Savior. In the moment a person believes in Jesus as Savior, in that very moment, he or she is forever forgiven of all their sins past, present, and future, saved for Heaven, given eternal life, forever indwelled by the Holy Spirit, declared not guilty of all sins: past, present and future, destined for Heaven no matter what sins he does or good deeds he does not do, guaranteed irrevocably to go to Heaven, given a relationship with God because of Jesus–by the Holy Spirit, and made a new person in Christ. Please believe in Jesus right now.

Curtis Smale

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