Why John MacArthur Is a False Prophet

Why John Macarthur is a False Prophet
Analysis of John MacArthur’s message.

Tags: Christianity, Curtis Smale, Religion, spirituality
Published by Curtis Smale in Christianity on September 16, 2008 | 2 responses

Jesus warns believers repeatedly that there would be false prophets that would, like ferocious wolves, come into Christian circles and ravage the flock.

Today, John MacArthur preached a sermon on the radio that was largely concerned with what “saving faith” is.

Yes, even though he is widely accepted in Christian circles, through his radio broadcasts and books, I believe that John MacArthur is a false prophet, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I have serious problems with what MacArthur teaches, but more importantly, GOD has a fierce disagreement with what MacArthur teaches.

Basically, MacArthur teaches that if you have certain sins in your life, then you will not go to Heaven, even if you are a believer in Jesus.

This directly and most seriously contradicts the Bible, which says that our sins are forgiven totally, and we are saved forever, in the moment that we believe the Gospel truth that Jesus is true God and true man, and that Jesus died for our sins on the cross, was buried, and rose again on the third day.

Every human being is a sinner.

Every human being will go to Hell to be punished for his sins, the very minute that he dies, if he does not have Jesus as his Savior.

The sins in a person’s life do NOT determine whether a person will go to Heaven or Hell.

What determines whether a person will go to Heaven or Hell is whether that person believes the Gospel of Christ and therefore:

HAS BEEN (past tense) permanently forgiven of all his or her sins, past, present and future, by God, through Jesus Christ’s substitutionary perfect life and His totally satisfactory (to God) death on the cross, and His burial and His resurrection

HAS BEEN permanently indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and

HAS BEEN permanently guaranteed to inherit Heaven.
(Ephesians 1:13,14)

This is the Gospel, the Amazing Good News, contained in the Bible.


I have also heard “saving faith” misrepresented as being, “making a commitment to Jesus” or “having a relationship with Jesus” or, “making a decision for Christ.”

“Making a commitment to Jesus” could be a commitment to live a good life and be saved by your good works–with Jesus as your “coach.” (Roman Catholic works-righteousness)

But that is NOT the saving Gospel.

“Having a relationship with Jesus” as a “moral life coach” also will not save you.

No one is saved by “doing his best” with Jesus as his coach.

“Making a decision for Christ” to follow the moral precepts of Jesus is NOT the same thing as believing in what Jesus HAS DONE to save you.

Salvation is a GIFT from God.

Once given, it is permanent, and can never and will never be taken away (by God or by the person himself, nor by anyone else) who has once believed–says the Bible, God’s Word, in Ephesians 1:13, 14.

Believing who Jesus is and what he did for you is called “being JUSTIFIED by faith.” (JUSTIFICATION.)

Following Jesus and becoming more Christ-like is called SANCTIFICATION by the Holy Spirit.

If you mix the two, you end up with the most deadly false doctrine that exits: the false teaching that you can save yourself by being holy.

You CANNOT save yourself by avoiding sin or by doing good things–because you would still have sins that would need to be forgiven.

Once a person believes in Jesus, YES, it is important to that person’s FELLOWSHIP RELATIONSHIP with God that he or she be exhorted and encouraged, with God’s help, to forsake sin and live a righteous life, by God’s grace.

But forsaking sin, living a righteous life and doing good works is NOT what saves you.

Salvation is a FREE GIFT through faith in Christ, the scenario in which God enables us to be forgiven through and by Jesus, Who forgives sin.

God’s Apostle, Paul, twice said in Galatians chapter one, verses eight and nine, that he (Paul) cursed and damned to Hell anyone who preached another Gospel–a false Gospel.

Telling people that they are saved by a definition of faith that must include a certain level of practical life holiness is to completely cancel the Gospel and, indeed, to preach another Gospel–a false Gospel. The major false Gospel in the world today says that you are saved by your continued faith and your good works and good life–

–rather than by the biblical truth that you are saved through faith in what Jesus HAS DONE for you on the cross and through His resurrection: the true Gospel of God that is clearly taught by the Bible.

Curtis Smale


  1. Christians have a responsibility to God after being justified by faith alone
    as taught by scripture. God will not put to death the deeds of the body for

    Romans 11:20-22 contrasts the “once saved” lie that came through theological
    schools. So does 2 Timothy 2:11-14 People that disown Christ will be disowned.
    The Galatian church would have been damned had they continued in works salvation.
    Galatians 5

    The NT teaches security of the believer conditionally. Christians are commanded
    to put the death the deeds of the body. Romans 8 (you must die if you walk after
    the flesh…) People who call themselves Christians but do not keep Christs commands
    are liars. 1 John 2.


  2. Curtis Smale, 8-1-2021

    If falling away or apostasy is a scriptural doctrine as taught in the NT,
    why on earth isn’t it in Calvinistic theology? This is a question for you,
    it doesn’t need to be posted. Lordship salvation is just 1 truth error that
    John MacArthur promotes among several. Have Baptists been carried
    away from the authority of scripture in seminaries? Many have.

    The Open Bible has a good section on apostasy is its Biblical Cyclopedic index.

    But there are many groups that write on apostasy.

    Here is 1 link:



  3. I’m on the fence about John MacArthur, and it’s unfortunate, but we must follow Christ above all, and not man. Let the Lord deal with people who preach a false gospel at the end of age; where all their thoughts and intents will be weighed by Jesus himself.

    There are too many things this man has said about Jesus’ gospel that cause concern in my Spirit. One being the power of the Holy Spirit gifts ended with the death of the Apostles.

    That was cooked up during the 1930s by someone who thought they had the right answer, it isn’t biblical and it’s also putting the fire out (grieving the Holy Spirit) a heart that is hard against the things of what God is doing in our day thinks like that. That idea was also brought forth by Armstrong of the World Tomorrow Church, aka The Worldwide Church of God which is heresy even to this day.

    No I don’t mean the charismatic movements, but Paul says we must weight everything with discernment. 90% of what you hear about, might not be Jesus’ spirit at all and the real miracles that do happen from God are not publicized, due to lack of Faith. Jesus said, when the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on the Earth?

    And the other, his take on the mark. Jesus lets us know when we should ‘move on’ so to speak and find someone else to listen to, better yet, during these days, one should just devote their reading to scripture and praying in the Spirit due to so many who are leading the flock of God astray, and there are a a few good preachers left, let Jesus guide you to them.


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