Is Hell Real? Is Hell Eternal Torment?

The Got Questions website has a False Gospel of Lordship salvation, however they are right about Hell. A lot of people think that if you don’t believe in it, then Hell isn’t real. That if you don’t believe in God, that He doesn’t exist. If you don’t believe in the afterlife, that it isn’t there. But that’s not how reality works. Reality is there whether you believe it or not. These are not beliefs that are based on nothing real. They are beliefs based on afterlife realities. CS



  1. Dear Curtis Smale, can a person trust Jesus alone as his personal savior apart from anything else but believe there are other ways to heaven because there was a girl on youtube that was talking to someone that she trusted Jesus alone but believed other prophets people are believing in are real?


    • Hi, John. If a person believes in the Jesus of the Bible, sinless holy God-man who died for your sins, was buried, and rose from death on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), not at all trusting their works at all, then they will be saved. it is wrong to say there are other ways to be saved, but the thing that saves a person is whether or not they believe in Jesus alone.


  2. Curtis, as always, I appreciate your posts! I would actually advise that you avoid Got Questions.

    Yes, you acknowledged that they teach a false Lordship Salvation gospel, and this video on Hell is definitely correct.

    But there are many false doctrines taught by Got Questions. They promote the use of the NIV (which you correctly pointed out as pushing Lordship Salvation). They also promote the Calvinist/Catholic heresy of original sin, which teaches that God holds Adam’s sin against everyone. True, we are all sinful because of Adam, but that is due to the flesh (Romans 5:19, Romans 7:14, Galatians 5:17). Not because God holds Adam’s sin against us. Deuteronomy 24:16 is clear that God never punishes children for their fathers sins.

    Got Questions is Calvinist. As such, they promote all modern Bibles. But the NIV, NLT, and Christian Standard Bible teach not only original sin, but also heavily promote Calvinism. All modern Bibles (ESV, NIV, NLT) are heavily Calvinist. They modify verses such as Ephesians 2:8-9 to push the Calvinist idea of irresistible grace. They also heavily use the word “sovereign”, a word that never appears in the KJV.

    What really angers me, is that Got Questions teaches the Calvinist doctrine of submission to tyranny. Like most Calvinist preachers (including Calvin himself) Got Questions preaches that all rulers are installed by God and we must submit to all of them. Any preacher who promotes such heresy should look at Revelations 13-14, which completely destroys this doctrine. These two chapters destroy the Calvinist/Lutheran doctrine of nonresistance.


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