1. Thank you for posting this easy-to-read and understand tract. And you have a follow-up address for more info and all the scriptures. I’m hoping to write one also. Especially like the type/font, as some tracts have print that is way too small and too much effort. Thanks. Ml >


  2. God bless you Brother! I can’t tell you just how many times I’ve been approached by unsaved heretics who attack me for preaching salvation by faith alone or once saved always saved.

    Jesus Christ is my Savior. Not myself.


  3. Hi Curtis, can you direct me to a video or movie on the rapture with the right gospel for unbelievers as i watched a thief in the night, think was done in 72 and it was all lordship. Would really appreciate it….God bless enjoy your posts here in Australia, we are churchless here.


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