I wonder…

I wonder if, because people are so different, some people can hear and see and think and feel things that other people cannot even imagine: they see things that are real, like a color or a sound spectrum or an emotional feeling, that other people do not think are actual. I wonder if this is far more prevalent than anyone realizes. —Curtis Smale


  1. I had a doctor tell me that we cannot be 100% certain that everyone sees the exact same colors. For instance, when a human is a child, the parents point to the color “red” and tells the child “red”. It is entirely possible that child is seeing that “red” as another color, but associates that color as red, and identifies that color as red for a life time, but not see what the parent sees.

    I am a deer hunter. Scientists have performed hundreds of studies on deer eyes. They all agree that deer sees the whole world as mostly blues and yellows. Whe we observe the woods as green, deer look at the woods as shades of blue. Camouflage clothes work only because the different colors run together, breaking up the human shape, fooling the deer. Camo can be any color, so long as they mix together.

    I have stood 5 yards away from deer in the woods, upwind, have on a red vest, on the ground, and they pass right by me and never even take a glimpse. Move a finger, and they will run like a scalded hound.

    Point I am trying to make: not everyone always sees this world in the same colors or same patterns. From my 30 years of deer hunting, I am convinced of this.


    • Good comment. I meant it also in the widest possible sense of what it means to “feel like yourself,” emotions, perceptions, weird feelings nobody talks about, etc.


  2. Yes, to carry it further, I often wonder about emotional, or even spiritual gifts, that possibly extend beyond normal people.

    I believe medium and spiritual channeling are all fakes. But is it possible that the Lord actually gives some people, notably Christians, “gifts” of perceptions or feelings that others do not possess?

    Is it possible that there are people with real spiritual talents not delegated to others; gifts that enable some people to see and feel things others cannot perceive?

    I am not speaking of witchcraft, white witches, or demons, but real spiritual gifts that could actually be used to help others.


  3. Never heard of empath. I did a lot of studies on clairvoyance like Edgar Cayce. Houdini, the great magician, declared all supernatural, whether emotional or spiritual, as a fraud. He believed it to be a magical trick, or coincidence.

    I want to believe the great Houdini was wrong. I once knew a devil worshipper who became a preacher. He told me, without a doubt, that there is power in the occult. He actually experienced it, and used it. He later converted to Christianity because of the real fear in his life that resulted from the occult.

    I figure if the occult can be real, then there must be authentic “gifts” out there someplace. If you can feel the emotions of others, then you have a gift. Only you can decide if it is good or bad.

    Cayce could put any book under his pillow, sleep on it, and then tell you everything in the book. There were hundreds of witnesses to this effect. Many say he was a fraud, but I had a college professor whose father witnessed some of Cayce’s astounding feats while under scientific observation. His father believed Cayce did have a special talent in many areas.


  4. Cayce authenticated about 8500 out of 14,000 readings, which is astounding. Miss once, according to scripture, makes Cayce a false prophet.

    Cayce claimed his powers came from God, and also claimed to be a devout christian. Yet, he taught reincarnation, a false doctrine.

    Hebrews 9:27. It is appointed to die once, and then comes judgement. (Goodbye reincarnation)

    I would suspect his powers were satanic, and even he was deceived.


  5. A few warnings on two doctrines of deception.

    (1) Reincarnation

    The “resurrection” is the greatest miracle of planet earth. It is the central theme of christianity. Remove or diminish the cross, and Christianity is doomed. It becomes just another mystical religion, not unlike all the other false religions.

    Resurrection means the return from death to life… Before Christ, it was an impossibility in the history of humans. Before Christ, surely, even Satan had never seen it. He must have marveled at it.

    Reincarnation is a mimic of resurrection, in the sense that those who are reincarnated have died, and return to life in another body, animal or human, either to a higher form or lower form, according to their good deeds, or bad deeds, while living on earth.

    Therefore, it is a works oriented dogma, just like Lordship Salvation. Reincarnation belittles the value of the cross, convincing followers that there is life after death without the cross.

    This is no small aberration. Reincarnation is a dammnable doctrine decreasing the value and importance of the cross. Reincarnation is a subtle deception, and like Lordship Salvation, is most assuredly of satanic origin. If satan can convince people they can be reincarnated, pass from death to new life, by their works, then they concede there is no need for the cross.

    (2) Lordship Salvation

    Dr. Weldon, one of the greatest comparable religion experts of the 20 th century, once said, “there are 10,000 different religions. But, in reality, there are only two–(1) 9,999 that all teach the same doctrine, that you can do it yourself, by your works, and (2) christianity, that teaches that Christ did it all on the cross.”

    The very fact that every false religion (9,999) out there, teaches a works based salvation is shocking. It is a testimony to the powers of deception of satan.

    But the fact that a works doctrine, Lordship Salvation, has now wormed it’s way into christianity, the one remaining true religion, previously separate from all the others, metamorphasizing itself into the other 9,999, posing as a beautiful butterfly, should be alarming.

    It is enough to confuse the devil.


    • There were resurrections before Jesus- performed by Jesus, and at least one in the OT. But only one, Jesus,’ showed that the death for our sins satisfied the payment for our sins.


  6. Yes, but, as far as I have traced history, all resurrections happened by Christ. I assume the one in the OT was also by Jesus also. The way I understand it, Jesus is the “word”, and it is the “word”, or logos, that speaks things into existence. I assume Jesus “spoke” ressurection. Maybe you know more about this.

    In the Bible, he said, “destroy this temple and I will raise it in 3 days”. I have always had problems understanding the trinity, but I assume he raised himself from the dead, and not the father. Any thoughts? Have I misinterpreted?


    • I found this:

      It’s true that the New Testament teaches that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 6:4; Acts 2:32). But it is also true that Jesus himself was acting to bring about his own resurrection. We know this because he said in John 10:18, “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” God the Father gave Jesus the authority to take up his life again from the grave where his body lay dead.


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