“You reap what you sow.” A STAR WARS Story, by Sir Curtis Skywalker

I still see it every day I come in with my seed bag and I scatter to the left and I scatter to the right, walking through the cubicles. often people are on the phone talking with customers and the seeds and hit them in the back of the head and go down the back of their shirts and quite often the seeds hit the computer screens and make a delightful sound which I feel is quite wonderful.

Sometimes, people get up and are quite angry. one guy got up and threatened to smash me in the face. another reported me to the boss. he said, “if you keep doing that you’re not going to have a job here anymore.” and I said, “what are you talking about? I don’t work here.” you just don’t understand seed sowing,and I went back out and continued along the way realizing this old world is filled with ungrateful people. near the end of the rows as I was sowing seed, some happened to hit a couple of police officers. they then handcuffed me and took me out of the building. some people don’t appreciate the things that I do.

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