1. I have listened to this video half a dozen times, to be sure I missed nothing. It just keeps getting better. I went to Utube to listen to Mark Sennett’s short videos also.

    Thank you Curtis, for introducing me to this man’s ministry. I do not understand how anyone, searching for the truth about salvation, could possibly deny the importance of his message.


  2. This video has become very special to me. My daughter graduated from a very prestigious college at the top of her class. She later became a state parole officer for many years.

    During her briefings, she always taught the criminals assigned to her that they were actually only half way free. At one time, many of the most dangerous were assigned to what we used to call (for lack of better words) half-way-houses, only to be monitored closely and possibly freed later by their own discipline and life style.

    All parolees could “earn” freedom, and be kept free, by their deeds. They were free only because the parole board had given them a gift, a second, or better yet, a last chance, to prove themselves.

    Their freedom, their life, was solely based on discipline and rules. Break those rules, sometimes, just once, and back to the slammer: no more freedom. Their punishment was to serve out the rest of their original sentence, a dreadful fear that enticed them to obedience.

    It was all based on behavior. Be a good little boy or girl, or I will revoke your freedom—and by doing so, revoke your entire life.

    Didn’t matter if you walked the walk and talked the talk to the very end. Break a rule on the last day of probation, and, bam, back behind bars. No excuse.

    Thank you Mark, and thank you again Curtis, for warning us that salvation is not probation. It is truly a free gift. Unlike those on parole, we do not have to live a life of fear and frustration.


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