What Gets You Into Heaven, by Michael Patrick Bowen

Behavioral changes and/or lifestyle changes won’t get you into heaven. Committing your life to Jesus or trying to stop sinning will not get you there, either. No amount of repenting of sins or quitting bad habits will help get you one inch closer to heaven–period. God said so. GOOD NEWS! The instant you believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead in order to pay for your sins, He saves you forever–you will never go to hell; instead, you will live with Him in heaven for eternity. Here is your guarantee: “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him” (1 Thessalonians 4:14). God loves you “so much” that He will give you everlasting life regardless of whether you live for Him or not. In this book, I use His own words–not mine.

Hello! My name is Michael Patrick Bowen, and I’m the author of the book entitled “I NEVER KNEW YOU: The Horror Of The Great White Throne Judgement And How You Can Avoid It.” I wrote this book so that people may know what Jesus Christ, Himself, said to us concerning how to be born again (or in the Greek, anothen, which means to be “born of God”). Jesus told Nicodemus in John chapter 3 of the Bible that he had to be born again. He then later told him that He (Jesus) would be “lifted up” (on a cross to die and rise again to pay for the sins of the world). Here is the most amazing thing of all: anybody who believes (or in the Greek, pisteuo, which means to trust) that Jesus (the Son of God; the Messiah) died and rose again from the dead–to pay for your sins and to give you a home in heaven when you die–is saved (born again) the very instant that he/she believes that He did this for him/her. THAT is His gift to you for trusting in Jesus Christ (specifically in what He accomplished for you by His death, burial and resurrection from the dead). 

The gift of everlasting life is just that–it’s a gift. Numerous people say that getting born again is “too easy,” or “there must be more to it than just trusting that Jesus died and rose again.” To them I say this: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast”(Ephesians 2:8-9). Notice how God (through Paul) tells us that everlasting life is a “gift,” and that it is NOT of works, deeds, discipleship, or behavioral changes. If any of those things were required to be saved, then none of us would be able to get born again. We sin every day, either by acts of commission or omission–we can’t help it; we’re all sinners who are in need of a “Savior.” Jesus Christ IS THAT SAVIOR. Isaiah 64:6 tells us that even our best righteous deeds are as “filthy rags” in God’s eyes; therefore, God will not recognize our works, our discipleship, or any other self-efforts when it comes to imputing (crediting) His righteousness to our accounts. 

Did you know that we must be “as righteous as” God is in order to enter His heaven? In heaven, there is no sin; likewise, there is no death, no crime, etc.; it is a perfect place where God lives. How can we be seen by God as being “as righteous as” He is? Would turning from your sins (or being willing to or trying your best to quit them) make you as righteous as He is? No, it won’t work. Even if you could avoid sinning for the rest of your life, what about the sins you’ve already committed? “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). You see, all the sins you’ve committed in your lifetime are still in His books; therefore, turning from sin, asking Him into your heart or life, or becoming a disciple would never “erase your criminal records.” You must have your criminal records ERASED in order to enter into His heaven. Jesus, the Son of God (i.e., literally God in human flesh) paid for ALL of our sins (past/present/future) when He died on the cross. His dead body was buried. After three days in the grave, Jesus arose from the dead. 

THE INSTANT you trust that He did this for “you”–to erase your sin record and to give you a home in heaven, that is EXACTLY what He does. You have His guarantee! “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). THERE is His “guarantee.” You have His good name, word, and reputation on this guarantee. If any additional steps were involved, such as quitting your bad habits and promising to forsake all and becoming a disciple, then Jesus Christ would have listed those “extra things” in John 3:16 (where He was telling Nicodemus specifically how to be born again); else, Jesus Christ lied to us–or He made a very horrible mistake of omission; however, we know from Titus 1:2 that He cannot lie; therefore, Jesus is not capable of lying or of making mistakes–He is “God,” after all, and He is not capable of any error (or sin). 

When I tell my readers that they must trust Jesus Christ as their Savior–as their only hope of ever reaching heaven–I’m simply telling you the exact same thing that God the Father says in His Bible. I’m telling you what Jesus Christ said, as well as what He said through all of the human beings He chose to write His Word through. The gift of everlasting life is FREE to all who trust that Jesus Christ died and rose again for their sins. Period. 

It’s so easy to understand that small children can grasp it; however, because Satan specializes in perverting God’s Word and the minds of human beings, he does his best to convince all of humanity to live the “Christian Lifestyle” without ever getting born again in the first place. How cruel, and how sad, that he does this, yet when I or others like me stand up and tell the world what Jesus says in terms of how to be born again, we are ridiculed, harassed, given bad reviews, and are spoken ill of. So be it. I’ve done my duty. Your duty now, if you’re reading this, is to decide whether or not you will put your trust in what a man or a woman tells you, or whether or not you’ll put your trust in what Jesus Christ (God Himself) says to you concerning how to be born again. Either they are right and Jesus is wrong, or they are wrong and Jesus is right. Think about it, please. All men and women are capable of making mistakes, and many fall for erroneous teachings based upon satanically inspired lies; however, Jesus Christ is not capable of lying or of making mistakes. 

Why not trust the “One” who never told a lie and who never made a mistake–the “One” who shed His blood, died, and rose again for “you.” Why not trust Him? You have His guarantee, but you have no guarantee, at all, if you put your faith in what men or women say. Trust only in what Jesus says–never trust what people say. 

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him” (1 Thessalonians 4:14). THE INSTANT THAT YOU BELIEVE THAT JESUS DIED AND ROSE AGAIN TO PAY FOR YOUR SINS AND TO GIVE YOU A HOME IN HEAVEN WHEN YOU DIE, HE SAVES YOU.


  1. I was listening to a debate between a Free-Gracer and Calvinist yesterday because I couldn’t understand where Calvinuts were coming from.

    The truth is they ignore a lot of the Bible just like every other false religion and believe they are the only special chosen elect.

    I have an argument for them: since Jesus said FEW will be saved, and there seems to be FEW Free Gracers, and many, many Calvinists in one form or another, wouldn’t that alone open people’s hearts to at least HEAR another point of view?

    For EVERY local church that I read their (belief statement), I find some sort of WORK($) added.

    I’ve only been aware of this for less than a year, and I’m blown away. People kept telling me I needed to go to church because the Bible says……….

    I cant find a true church in my metro area of roughly 70,000

    I RON ically, my name is RON and for 5.5 years, I lived directly next to a FREE Grace Baptist church ( according to their beliefs on their website, anyway).

    Another Irony is that I emailed them last year and said I believe they are the ONLY true church on salvation out of hundreds in my area and said I wanted to attend and wanted them to contact me back.

    I never heard back from them and now their mission statement seems to have changed online.

    I’m baffled by this. I went to that church one time before I knew anything about Free Grace Salvation vs. Works Salvation.

    Other churches say you have to: Roman’s 10: 9-10 to be saved.

    I have a feeling most humans don’t study the Bible and are trusting this MAN to tell them how to get saved.

    I recently had a racist friend say. “I don’t need another man to tell me what the word of God says.”

    Maybe not, dear friend, but you need someone to tell you what the word of God MEANS!

    Another Irony is this preacher seems to have a good grasp on Grace but some of his other theology sounds whacked.

    I sent the you tube video because I was searching (free grace sermons) to listen to at work and I clicked on his because I’m not racist.

    I want us all to be saved. Hell terrifies me daily.

    I want the Holy Spirit to teach me but my impatience has me seeking out humans for confirmation and I hope I’m not sinning in the process.

    Something inside me says, ” the Holy Spirit is working through them to teach me the truth.”

    I dont know if that’s true or not.

    I recently came up with this acRONym for PhD.


    When I see PhD., I don’t see EXPERT. I see someone who is CONVINCED they are an expert and are shut off to other points of view.

    If im offending anyone, then CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE!

    Some mornings I feel lost. This is one of those mornings. My only expertise is going against God’s wishes and I’m sick of it!

    I wish I could stop sinning NOW!


    • Ron, This is one of the best comments I have received in the seven years I have been doing this blog. Ron, I want you to contact me directly at my email (curtissmale13@gmail.com) I can help you, the Bible can help you, the Holy Spirit can help you. I will send you some more posts on this, but if you can read first Corinthians 15: 1 to 4 and agree with it, that Jesus died for ALL YOUR sins, was buried, and rose again, you’re eternally saved, done deal, no matter what sins you do, no matter what good works you don’t do. I went to 36 churches in the last eight years and every single last damn (Galatians 1) one of them taught works for salvation. I was kicked out or asked to leave from three of them when I said that salvation is a free gift received in a moment for anyone who believes. I can definitely relate to your frustration. the church I go to currently in Colorado Springs Colorado has the best statement of faith I’ve ever read. myself the pastor and only two other people actually believe the true gospel that I have ever talked to in seven months at this church. these are matters of eternal salvation we’re not talking about the color of the carpet in the church here or some minor doctrinal point. this is the most important thing there is: believing in what Jesus did for us and the eternal salvation that results.


  2. I just re- read and even I was confused by what I wrote.. Let’s just say the you tube preacher was non-white.

    I clicked on him because I’ve only ever heard mostly Caucasians teach free grace.

    I have since learned otherwise.

    I LOVE IT when different ethnicities come to the truth.

    We ALL BLEED, and we will ALL DIE AT LEAST ONCE!

    THIS MAKES US MORE CONNECTED and ALIKE than many people want to believe.


  3. My post was confusing. I have a racist friend who I learned Later that he believed tulip. There was a non- white pastor on you tube that I just listened to after a free-grace search.

    I figured he wouldn’t take my advice and watch the video because of the man’s skin color.

    Thats when he said, “I don’t need anyone else to tell me what the word of God says.” (Or something like that.)

    Maybe not, but he needs someone to tell him what the word of God means. So do I .
    I want to proclaim the Gospel but my biblical knowledge is very limited.

    I’ve been told that God speaks through other people and I’ve been trusting that but im not sure if it’s biblical.

    I want to help God and do his will but I don’t want to do it for selfish reasons.,( I don’t want to seek selfish rewards. )

    The Bible says to preach the Gospel. It doesn’t say to answer people’s question that I’m unsure about.

    I hear pastors preaching the Bible, but not preaching the Gospel. I’m not sure how useful the rest of the Bible is to unsaved people. The Gospel is eternally priceless to all of us: at least to all who believe.


  4. Ron,

    My biblical knowledge is also limited. I will read verses in the Bible that convinces me I have finally got it right. I reread later, only to change my mind. False teachers prey on everyone, but especially those confused.

    Most pastors give 30 minute sermonettes, not enough info to explain and prove doctrines. I have supplemented my limited knowledge by reading good books by great preachers I know are telling the truth.

    It has a downside, because, after studying from the very best, local pastors bore me. Sometimes, I dred going to church, because I learn nothing. We should go to church to praise God, but I find myself bored.

    It is so easy for deception to prevail, because congregations are dumb to biblical truth. Truth is, even Satan does not have to be a master of deception when people are already dumb to the Word.


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