4th Wave Feminism Has Made Marriage Hell for Men (Text plus Video)

What if (most) men no longer saw marriage as having any value for them personally?

What if men rejected sacrificing themselves to women and children who had no respect for them or what they did?

What if men no longer wanted to be in a relationship in which their happiness had no value?

What if men started valuing their peace of mind and happiness over being married to someone who makes you miserable, fights you at every step, gives you no peace, tries to boss you around, blows your money, denies you sex, and divorces you 80% of the time?

What if society demanded that women were virgins when they got married?

What if rebellious wives were publicly censured?

What if there was no financial benefit for a woman to frivolously divorce her husband?

What if there was no such thing as alimony?

What if there were no taxpayer-funded financial support for women, and women were forced to rely on their husbands?

What if adultery, great destroyer that it is, were punished with a mandatory five year prison sentence, with no reduction in time served?

Society would be transformed overnight into a moral society in this area.

Marriage would be a wise and positive option for men.

Men today, in large percentages, young marriage-age men, have awakened to the evil intentions and evil schemes of most women, and no longer have a desire to enter into a legal contract in which they always lose.

Women are everything a man wants before the man gets married, and nothing he wants after he gets married.

Marriage is a bait-and-switch scam against men.

Women (put the word “most” in front of the word “women” throughout this article), women want a wedding, and they want to be married, but they don’t know what it means to be a good wife.

The man gets disempowerment and aggravation, while the woman gets status, an engagement ring, a wedding ring, a huge wedding production, and guaranteed lifetime financial security.

Women have youth, the sexual desire of the man, a good looking face, and a good looking body, that gets a man to think that he will have beauty, love, sex, peace, and happiness in exchange for giving everything that he has to the woman and their children.

Millions of stories nationwide and super high percentages testify that this does not happen, yet the man still must perform at a high level in the workplace and financially, and the women are allowed to quit their jobs, have no responsibilities, no accountability, and no criticism.

If women want the big and expensive prize of having children in a married relationship, they need to change what they’re doing, because men are no longer interested in this arrangement of sleazy and promiscuous women, contentious wives, almost certain divorce, and emotional and financial devastation, while the woman walks away scot free, feeling fine, and enriched.

Women are far more promiscuous and violent (in constant small ways) than men. (Obviously women have ten times the sexual opportunities that men have.)

But women do not have that reputation, because they can do whatever they want with impunity, including cheating, the murder of children, the murder of husbands, physically beating husbands, false accusations of rape and child molestation, and every kind of lying, laziness, greed, and evil.

If anyone points these things out, they’re not called a “conspiracy theorist,”they’re called a “misogynist” or someone who “hates women.”

It’s, “Who hurt you?” “Are you gay?” “He’s a basement-dweller.”

This is a way to shield women from accountability and shame for their sinful and evil actions.

What we really hate is women’s bad behavior that never improves.

This happens because the laws completely protect women and the values of society have changed to the point where women can do anything with impunity.

Women are almost deathly allergic to accountability, criticism, and rejection.

Women have told us that they have been “oppressed,” but the greatest oppression is for a person to enter into an arrangement in marriage in which they are unhappy for decades, and treated unjustly in the near-certain divorce.

Feminism is from Satan, and it destroys men, women, and children.

Feminism results in horrible marriages, unhappy women, unhappy men, aborted and murdered children; beaten, abused, and murdered husbands; homosexual children, the dissolution of the family unit, and every kind of evil and unhappiness.

Maybe certain things in this article are a little bit off, maybe the percentages aren’t perfectly accurate, but the general thrust of what I’m saying here is certainly true.

Am I full of tuna?

If so, tell me what things that I have written are inaccurate.

All day long we have to listen to the Feminist point of view shoved to us by the government, by movies and tv, by the news, by every media outlet that exists, and if someone stands up against the narrative, they’re the bad guy.



  1. Women in the military draw the same pay as their male counterparts. Due to affirmative actions laws passed because of the feminist women’s movement, women also have equal, or better opportunity, for awards and promotions.

    There are now women serving in combat zones, drawing combat pay equal to their male counterparts. There are now women fighter pilots, bomber pilots, and helicopter pilots, again, drawing equal flight pay as their male counterparts.

    Feminism demands equality. If feminism truly recognizes equality:



  2. The first time a long-haired-bearded hippie, with rings in his nose and ears, and beads around his neck, is drafted and forced into combat, looks around and sees no woman next to him, there will be a federal lawsuit demanding equality in combat.

    If SCOTUS goes by the 14th Amendment, 9 justices have to rule with the law. It will mean that the feminism movement eventually will force a military draft for our wives, sisters, and daughters. I see no way out of it if SCOTUS goes by the Constitution.

    Equal wages + equal promotions = equal draft+ equal combat. SAD DAY FOR AMERICA. EVEN SADDER FOR PARENTS.


  3. Yikes, this is quite an indictment. I just started hitting the Christian dating sites after a long break, do you think feminism is rampant even among Christian women? Hopefully I can figure out who the good and bad ones are… I don’t want to end up with anything close to what you’ve described here.


    • Hi, DJ. I have found it to be true among believers, yes. There is a fantasy of marriage that is sold to get you into the legal contract, about on the level of a guy who enters the military thinking it is going to be like Star Wars. Women do not love men the way men want to be loved (especially bad if their own mothers did not love them.) They don’t think like men. They can all cheat, and they all are Interested in their kids and money more than you. Movies and songs give us the wrong ideas completely. There are Millions of stories of good-hearted guys being burned on YouTube. I have two stories myself. I’m not willing to play the game until the laws change and it’s not a game. Financial and emotional devastation, aggravation, and no peace. The goal is undefined and keeps changing.


  4. DJ,

    I believe there are good women out there, even today, not many, and it is hard to discern, because people are always at their best when dating. I hear women say the same thing about men. Just be careful.

    If you ever find yourself in a marriage ceremony, listen closely to what the preacher says. If he asks,” do you take this woman to be your “awful” (instead of lawful) wedded wife”—-RUN, DON’T STOP UNTIL YOU ARE IN THE NEXT COUNTY!!!


  5. I have been married 47 years. My wife and I have a 50/50 marriage. I tell her what to do, and she tells me where to go.


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